With support from the University of Richmond

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Central Connecticut State University Professor Examines How 9/11 Is Fading From Our Memories

Matthew Warshauer was lecturing on the Civil War at the Southington Public Library one September a few years ago when he looked outside and saw a banner not unlike thousands of others across the country: 9/11, We Will Never Forget.

But it got the Central Connecticut State University history professor wondering how long that sentiment would hold true.

“Here I am trying to remind people … of literally the biggest conflict in American history, and nobody remembers it,” he said of his work related to the Civil War. “So it got me thinking about historical memory. How long will we remember [9/11]?”…

Even though they are too young to have any memories of Sept. 11, 2001, Warshauer argues that the generation after the millennials — people born between 2000 and 2020 — should be referred to as the 9/11 Generation.

“This is a generation that has been fundamentally shaped by the attacks and the American response,” he said….

So, two years ago, Warshauer started teaching a course at CCSU called “9/11 Generation,” aimed at educating young students about the event.

Some students come to the course “with zero knowledge” of 9/11, he said.

“That’s been the most fascinating thing,” Warshauer said. “It dawned on me: In another two years, my students are going to have absolutely no emotional connection or memory of 9/11 at all. The subject is merely going to be another history class to them, which blows my mind.”…

Read entire article at Hartford Courant